Franchised dealers missed out on over £120m worth of revenue by failing to sell red and amber work identified during customer vehicle health checks in just a 3 month period.
Don't Let Potential Revenue Slip!

Consulting Services:- What We Offer

Our diagnostic visit will evaluate your current business practices and performance v true opportunity, provide you with some extremely valuable insights into the 'size of the prize' wins, how to implement a number of best practice processes and focus on the profit & cost levers that would be highlighted.

As a full-service management consulting firm, we partner with our clients to deliver solutions to truly unlock the full potential of their Aftersales business.

Our Services

  • Prospecting Training.
  • Sales Process Training.
  • Analysis of company processes.
  • Employee personality profiling.
  • Call Centre Training.
  • Aftersales Training.
  • Contact Evaluation Training.
  • Training manuals for all our courses.

Generate more Revenue We can Show You How

Lapsed or defected customers can result from any number of reasons: weak customer service, a better/more attractive offer from the competition, etc. In order for revenue to recur, your customers must want to come back at a rate that outpaces defection. In the end this will determine just how big your Aftersales business can be.

Ask about our "Good to Great" Aftersales initiative.