Good To Great
Aftersales Loyalty or Satisfaction?
The distinction between loyalty and satisfaction is essential that satisfaction is something that has already happened. Loyalty is all about expected future behaviour.
A KPI that can predict the future
NPS can do something no other methodology can. Imagine you have a KPI that shows what will happen in the future. You have plenty of KPI's indicating what the current or past situation is, but it is uncommon for companies to have a KPI that predicts how their customers will behave in the future. This is the fantastic thing about NPS - it manages to do just that.
What about the classic satisfaction scores? When you ask a customer to tell you about his/her customer experience or satisfaction, what are you actually asking them to do is tell you about the past. But you do not ask them to tell you whether they'll come again, and certainly not wether they're a so happy about the product or service that they'd actually tell other people about it.
The research that inspired the methodology showed that the question that best reflected customer loyalty and future bahaviour was:
How likely are you to recommend us to others?
Our "Good To Great" aftersales intiative will align your organisation with the values and visions already in place. It will dramatically transform how your organisations are looked upon from the outside, but actually these are organic cumulative processes on the inside.
Our Services
Good To Great We can Show You How
The goal of the DBNK "Good To Great" process is in the way of delivering VHC & Customer Service Process so as to maximise appointments and profit by ensuring that the customer wants to use the service department and would also recommend them to others.